
Craft Business

Name: Azizah Soffa Marwah NIM: 2270402013 Class: Publishing 3A Presentation and Speaking Skills in Craft Business Naskah Asli Naskah Suntingan PPT Video

Business Company Profile

STORYLINE EXPLAIN THE BUSINESS COMPANY PROFILE (ASTROPHILE PUBLISHING) Name: - Azizah Soffa Marwah (2270402013)              - Nadhif Aji Prastian (2270402047) Class: Publishing 2A Storyline Explanatory Video

PBLL Shifting From Studying To The Learning Philosophy (English Conversation)

STORYLINE EXPLAIN UNDERSTANDING OF PBLL  (PUBLIPRENEUR BASED LANGUAGE LEARNING)  Shifting From Studying To The Learning Philosophy (English Conversation) Name:  - Azizah Soffa Marwah (2270402013)              - Diaz Setiawan Putra (2270402014 ) Class: Publishing 2A Storyline Explanatory Video

Astrophile Publishing

Name: Azizah Soffa Marwah NIM: 2270402013 Class: Publishing 2A PROPOSAL PPT UTS

English Communication Introduction

Hello everyone! My name is Azizah Soffa Marwah. People usually call me jijah. I was born in Bogor on July 31th 2004. I'm 18 years old but in July i'm going to be 19 years old. I live in Cibinong, Bogor Regency. I am a student at the Creative Media State Polytechnic in Jakarta majoring in publishing. In my spare time, i like to write poetry and some stories, i also like to watch movies especially Korean dramas.  Material for the final semester exam for General English course The final test from last semester consisted of four paragraph-based questions about the student's first IIBF experience. Each paragraph is a different type, including narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive paragraphs. A. Narrative Paragraph A story or a series of events are described in narrative paragraphs. I'll briefly describe my trip to the Jakarta Convention Center, the site of the IIBF, and my experiences there in the narrative paragraph. B. Descriptive Paragraph A descr